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Agilico Supporting Severn Way 2018

Could Martyn Wells be the next Bond? Sorry Idris Elba but we think so!

The Legal IT Community’s 007 has had seven cancer operations in the last 12 months, lost seven stone in the process but still refuses to lie down. He now embarks on his newest mission and most significant challenge yet, a gruelling 211-mile walk on the Severn Way in just 10 days.

Team Agilico is proud to be walking alongside Martyn, supporting Stage 8 of his 211-mile Severn Way 2018 challenge in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and Melanoma awareness.

Martyn Wells, IT Director at customer Wright Hassall is a very brave stage IV malignant melanoma patient who’s needed 7 surgeries in the past 12 months to help beat cancer. With the help of his many friends in the Legal IT community, he is now fighting back with the biggest adventure that he could think of, walking the Severn Way to repay the kindness and support he experienced as a patient for Macmillan Cancer Support.

Over a dozen of the Agilico crew will be walking Stage 8 from Tewkesbury to Gloucester with Martyn and our friends at Alternative LegalIT and Jimmy’s Iced Coffee.

Some of us will be taking to the water on Paddle Boards and Kayaks with Peter Bray, the only man to kayak alone and unsupported across the Atlantic Ocean. It’s not likely to be as fierce as his 76-day crossing of the Atlantic, but for one day we will pretend it is as we paddle with Martyn and Peter in his Atlantic crossing, 22ft kayak, “Explorer”.

His Jimmy’s Iced Coffee will, of course, be shaken not stirred!

Martyn is on the BBC Points West red settee tonight (Tuesday 21st August), and has already been interviewed by Adrian Chiles on BBC Radio 5 Live.

All our customers and friends are welcome to join us on the walk or on the water. If you want to get involved please contact us.

Please support Martyn’s efforts by making a small donation to this brave man for an incredible personal challenge for an equally unbelievable cause.

Make a donation to Severn Way 2018

You can catch up on Martyn’s latest interviews here:


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