Starlight Children’s Foundation received a well-deserved cheque for £12,500 on Wednesday 16th December 2015 from DMC Canotec.
A number of our staff visited Starlight HQ on behalf of planitgreen to make our latest donation to the charity. The funds were raised for Starlight through the business’ planitgreen sales, whereby we donate 25p to the charity for every toner sold.
93 pence of every pound donated to Starlight goes towards granting wishes and entertaining seriously and terminally ill children in hospitals and hospices throughout the UK. This latest donation will go towards granting the wishes of unwell children, including eight year old Maddie from Swindon who was diagnosed with acute lympholastic leukaemia in October 2013.
Maddie’s Starlight wish was a family visit to Lapland to meet Father Christmas, see the Northern Lights and go on a Husky sleigh ride. Details of this donation and the most recent wishes that have been granted can be found on the planitgreen website.

As of 2016, together with Starlight, DMC Canotec are looking forward to developing our relationship through a structured strategy, with the ultimate aim of raising even more funds for this fantastic cause.
If you would like to get involved with our fund raising please e-mail and for more information about this worthy cause visit Starlight Children’s Foundation.