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PaperCut is an innovative and feature-rich print management product which allows customers to track, allocate costs and report on all documents that are printed, copied, faxed or scanned from their printer or multifuctional device (MFD).

Using PaperCut

In addition to the core fuctionality of print tracking, PaperCut can assist in the four main areas of any organisation’s document print strategy:

  1. Cost control
  2. Efficiency
  3. Document security
  4. Environment

Straightforward and powerful, PaperCut products help you easily manage users and also printers.


The PaperCut software can be customised to suit your business’s requirements. Some of the software’s features include:

  • Rules-based printing (e.g. convert certain documents to mono and / or duplex)
  • Secure print fuctionality for all confidential print requirements
  • Mobile print solutions including iPhone / iPad and user notification pop-ups to encourage your company’s printing policy

Web based reporting suite

There are also over 80 standard usage reports available. These can be delivered automatically by email, allowing full visibility and transparency of document output across your entire organisation.

Papercut MF

PaperCut MF does even more with MFD embedded software.

PaperCut logo

It has all the features of NG plus:

  • Manage copy, scan and fax on your MFD
  • Authenticate users with swipe or proximity cards
  • Find-Me Printing and Secure Print Release
  • Supported through our Certified partner network

You can also watch this Papercut MF video

Increase security and protect your digital environment

Protecting your digital environment does not stop once a document has been printed. Secure Print Release protects the document until time of release, and while regulations and policies can be put in place, steps to change user behaviour beyond the printer need to be considered as well.

This is where watermarking and digital signatures can be valuable, as they also help protect the life of the document after it has been printed.

Watermarking is a feature that allows you to print a digital signature or custom text on every page. Watermarks can be printed in the top or bottom margins of the page, or repeated across the entire page.


Typical uses of watermarking include:

  • Printing full page watermarks on highly sensitive documents making it impossible to remove
  • Adding a username to the bottom of every page to help identify the owner
  • Writing job metadata in the footy such as print time, printer or document name
  • Applying a digital signature to help track and also verify documents

Capital and PaperCut

Capital Document Solutions is a value added re-seller for PaperCut. Our teams of highly trained staff have substantial experience in installing, training and supporting PaperCut in a variety of industry sectors.

We can provide sound advice on document output and also print management strategies. We will work with you project teams both pre- and post-installation to ensure that the installation is as seamless as possible with minimum disruption to end users.

Finally, to learn more about PaperCut, please contact us now.