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The transformative CMO

Customers have changed the boardroom. Traditionally, the CMO, CFO and CIO worked in very separate siloes. Walls were erected to clearly mark their respective domains. But customers, empowered by social…
26 July 2019

Paper: A thing of the past?

With the emergence of agile working, readily available information through mobile devices with constant access to the internet and cloud technology, is there still a place for paper in modern…
26 July 2019

Brexit: The impact on data protection

Following over four years of negotiation, the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has finally been passed and will come into effect in 2018. As of Thursday 14th April,…
26 July 2019

Welcome to United Carlton

We are pleased to announce the acquisition of United Carlton, a customer-centric reseller of managed print services. This acquisition provides the group with a much stronger presence in the North…
5 June 2019

Why MPS makes perfect business sense

Despite the advances in information technology, many organisations still look like they have an addiction to paper. It’s everywhere, acting like a security blanket, despite its inherently vulnerable state. What…
28 May 2019

The Anatomy Of A Digital Transformation

Leaders who are at the helm of the Fourth Industrial Revolution must understand the difference between change and transformation. Change is constant. Transformation is disruptive. Many leaders have not yet…
1 May 2019